Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ORS Festival of a Universal Sufi Saint Observed at Rahe Bhander Kadhurkhil Dorbar Sharif

ORS Festival of a Universal Sufi Saint


Sufism is the terms that usually gives us pietistic feelings of moral and physical sacredness and enlighten heart of an individual as well as the social life. Sufism remain as the indeed universal philosophy at every prophetic era which, relate our beloved prophet (May, peace of Allah be upon him and to his family and followers) with the previous. Sufism is the indeed theology of Islam and thus Sufis lives beyond territory.

The last June 5, Tuesday was the annual ORS Festival (The Disappearance Ceremony) of such a Universal Sufi Saint which, observed in highly religious aspect at Rahe Bhander- The kadhurkhil Mono- Theological Resource Center (Rahe Bhander Kadhurkhil Dorbar Sharif) a well established school of Mono- Theology at Chittagong in Bangladesh. It is one of the biggest annual festivals of the Rahe Bhander Sufi Order.

The independent re-organizer of Islamic Mono- Theism; The Universal Pole Qutub; Hadrath Moulana SYED MOHAMMED ABDUL MALEK (May, Allah be pleased upon his holiness) (1917- 1980) was one of the eminent Universal Sufi Saint of his era and the well spread Rahe Bhander Sufi Order in the Southern region of Asia.

He was the spiritual descendent and apostle (Caliph) of the most eminent Universal Pole Qutub- The founder of the Rahe Bhander Doctrine- Saheb Al Ojud Al Quran- Hadrath Moulana SYED SALEQUR RAHMAN (May, Allah be pleased upon his holiness)(1849- 1969). His spiritual lineage meet with the Last Prophet Hadrath MOHAMMED (May, peace of Allah be upon him and to his family and followers) according to Hadrath Ali Karram Allahhu Wajhahu. He is the 39th Sufi Saint of the Golden Chain. His livelihood was desire free from the materialistic worldly life. He traveled many countries of the world and had professional communication skill in Bengali, Arabic, Persian, English and Urdu. There a number of Sufi Poems in Bengali and Urdu languages were written by him. Meanwhile, spend all of his life for the welfare of Sufi Devotes.

His only audio recorded oration is going to be published in Bengali and English very soon in which, he exposed his extra ordinary philosophical thought and logic of Mono- theology and the relation of a worshiper with his own ultimate origin Allah.

This Universal Sufi Master of the early modern era left the worldly life at 22 Joisto, according to Bengali calendar (June 5, 1980). Since then, a number of this followers, Sufi Devotes of Rahe Bhander Sufi Order, social figure and mass contribution make a stream of people around his holy tomb on the day. This year under the superintendence of his spiritual apostle- The Surviving Sufi Master of the Rahe Bhander Sufi Order- Hadrath Moulana SYED ZAFOR SADEK (May, Allah accept his endeavourer) there observed the complete recitation of Holy Quran, Slaughter Animals with the name of Allah, Visit the holy Shrine (Jiarah), Convey Dorud and Milad upon the Prophet Mohammed (May, peace of Allah be upon him and to his family and followers), Tabarruk distribution, Stall Opening, Disclosing Ceremony of Annual Megazine 'Noxar Sondhane' (the preface of Rahe Bhander), Sacred Musical Segment (Semmah Mahfil) and concluding prayer (Akheri Munajat) as the part of whole day scheduled programs. Male and female devotes were joining the occasion individually and group by group holding their community banner.

The association of his followers as named the Association of Rahe Bhander Affectionate, the Scholars Association of Rahe Bhander, the Youth Association of Rahe Bhander, Rahe Bhander Multimedia and the Sufi Musicians Association of Rahe Bhander were serving their voluntary duties till the festival ends.

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